Assembly,Installation and Operating Instructions
ThePoseidonHumidifierhelps alleviatesymptomsassociated
with the use of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP)
treatment. These symptoms include a dry nose and throat. It is
intended for use with Invacare nasal CPAP systems as well as
many other manufacturer’s CPAP systems.
NOT use. Contact Carrier/Invacare for further instructions.
In order to ensure the safe installation, assembly and
operation of the POSEIDON HUMIDIFIER these instruc-
tions MUST be followed:
The Poseidon Humidifier is a container that is filled with water
and placed beneath the flow generator.Air from the flow gen-
turebeforedeliveringitthroughyournasalcannula/mask. This
process helps to relieve irritation of the nose and throat from
use of the CPAP system.
Fe de ra l la w re stric ts this de vic e to sa le by or on
ord e r of a p hysic ia n, or a ny othe r p ra c titione r
lic e nse d b y the la w of the Sta te in whic h he
pra c tic e s to use or orde r the use of this de vic e .
The Poseidon Humidifier Kit Contains:
The Pose idon humidifie r wa s de signe d to be use d
with va rious CPAP units. ALWAYS c he c k with your
physic ia n/c linic ia n to de te rmine if it c a n be use d
with your sle e p unit/ flow ge ne ra tor.
Humidifier (blue-tinted plastic)
Flexible air tubing (short length)
DO NOT insta ll this e quipme nt without first re a d-
ing a nd unde rsta nding this instruc tion she e t AND
your CPAP owne r’s ma nua l. If you a re una ble to
unde rsta nd the se instruc tions, c onta c t Inva c a re
te c hnic a l support a t the num be r liste d on the
ba ck pa ge before a ttempting to insta ll this equip-
me nt - othe rwise , injury or da ma ge ma y oc c ur.
1. Rinse each item of the humidifier kit in clean water and
drain completely.
DO NOT ove rfill the hum id ifie r - othe rwise , in-
jury or da ma ge ma y oc c ur.
The humidifie r is for SINGLE PERSON USE ONLY.
This de vic e is not to be use d with CPAP flow
ge ne ra tors tha t ha ve a utoma tic pre ssure titra -
tion c a p a bilitie s.
2. Holding the humidifier upright, fill the humidifier with dis-
indicated by the fill line.
This de vic e will not a lte r c omplia nc e pa ra me te rs
whe n ope ra te d with a Bi-le ve l or CPAP flow
g e ne ra to rs.
Outlet Port
DO NOT a llow wa te r from the humidifie r to spill
through the a ir tubing into the flow ge ne ra tor a s
this c ould re sult in e le c tric a l shoc k ha za rd a nd
c ould re sult in pe rsona l injury or e quipme nt da m-
a ge . To pre ve nt this:
DO NOT ove rfill the humidifie r;
Disc onne c t the tubing a t the flow ge ne ra tor
whe n not in use ;
DO NOT fill the hum idifie r while it is
a tta c he d to the flow ge ne ra tor;
If wa te r doe s e nte r the flow ge ne ra tor, switc h
OFF the powe r a nd disc onne c t the flow ge n-
e ra tor. Re turn it to your e quipme nt supplie r
for e va lua tion.
Ensure tha t a ll ite m s a re p rop e rly a nd
se c ure ly insta lle d a nd the humidifie r is posi-
tione d und e r the flow g e ne ra tor.
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